All About Our Orgonite!


If psychic sensation, as demonstrated, is functionally identical with orgone energy processes,
then a great deal of importance can be attached to the expression
"to feel light and buoyant" or "to feel heavy and weighed down."

Does orgone charge actually make something lighter?

American Odyssey Letters & Journals 1940-1947 by Wilhelm Reich 


As humanity transforms from its confused, conflicted homo sapien state into the next kinder, calmer, healthier, happier version of the species homo luminesce, one-of-a-kind Mama Molten Mystical Orgonites are being born on the volcanic Big Island of Hawaii as spiritual tools in support of this tumultuous journey.

Mama Molten Orgonites can be enjoyed for:

* Ley (aloha lei!) line earth activation/reactivation.

* Organic & planetary harmonizing/rebalancing.

* Spiritual comfort.

* As a focal point for inner work, meditation, the mining of past & future lives.

* As an opportunity to deepen one's relationship with intuition, intention,
and Big Picture Destiny during pivotal Earth times.

(Just want to know how to get an Orgonite Care Package from us? That info is below, but it's also succinctly located right  here:




As far as I am concerned...there is no doubt that men and animals live at the bottom of an ocean of orgone energy.
The air which we breathe is in reality orgone energy.
The oxygen which the plants and trees are said to give off is orgone energy which during the day was taken up from the sun.

American Odyssey Letters & Journals 1940-1947 by Wilhelm Reich


Cured as intuitively guided, every Mama Molten Orgonite is meant to reflect the soul of sacred ancient objects that can be utilized as spiritual tools born right here in the Now.

Aligning with the essence of volcanic magma (Earth's creation energy) is the perfect way to help alchemize human transition from struggling homo sapien into the more luminescent stage that comes next.

Potentially resonating within each piece may be: rocks, crystals, stones (raw or polished); gold dust or gold leaf; night luminescence; daylight iridescent reflectors; copper, iron, steel, metal, magnetic shavings; mica powder; organic matter: ammonite, brachiopods, coprolite, shark teeth, dinosaur bone, pumice, pyrite, amethyst, adventurine, jade, blue agate, hematite, tiger's eye, crystal quartz, jasper, obsidian, carnelian, sodalite, lapis lazuli, citrine, unakite, howlite, amazonite, zoisite, rhodonite, fluorite, aragonite, lepidolite, fossils, fossilized wood, black squid ink powder; glowing orbs; inorganic miniatures (sea & land life, treasure chests, etc.); plus a multitude of other magic/aetheric infusions, as guided during the creation process. 

Certain orgonites are crystal clear. Others utilize elements of layered color therapy/color harmonizing or are textured & infused with inclusions.

NOTE: Those interested in the Don & Carol Croft theories of 50 - 75% metal orgonite usage should specifically request creations made with this in mind.




In shapes from body-positive goddesses to sacred koi and fancy-finned fish...

Pyramids to ritual pads with miniature dragons...

Heart-shaped wish containers to spiritual "cord-cutting" knives...

The texture of some pieces is smooth as glass; others are more reminiscent of flowing water or porous A'a lava. Certain pieces allow for a bit of free form flow, reminiscent of the way Goddess Pele creates with fresh, hot, molten potency. Small & elongated oxygen pockets within as well as at cured surfaces can infuse a sense of oceanic/galactic movement + air flow within otherwise solid creations, adding a vibration of ancient artifacts being born in the Now.


Produced within sweet, warmly nurturing, aetheric containers of intentional space, every one-of-a-kind Molten Mama Orgonite item crafted from intuition, inspiration, inventive impulsion, & whatever surprises Spirit chooses to add in.

Spreading outwards into the U.S. & elsewhere informally via by-donation parameters described below. (Please NOTE: As of September 2023, the TBI shop is no longer being offered on the Etsy platform, so the best way to obtain Molten Mama's orgonite is via the by-donation parameters described below.)



NOTE #1 About Lava: Since Pele as well as the traditional people of the Big Island, Hawaii forbid volcanic rock removal from this location and we wish these items to only offer respectful blessings, lava rock is NOT included in Mama Molten Organites.

NOTE #2 How to Obtain a Molten Mama Orgonite directly from us: Because we are NOT a store, we are happy to share these one-of-a-kind pieces in an informal exchange of mutual appreciation utilizing our Paypal donations link in the following manner: If you'd like an orgonite gift package sent your way, small ($100+), medium ($333+) or large ($777+) minimum donations are received here: Donations

Please  make sure to include a note with your full snail mail address, phone #, email, anything you'd like us to know about where you are presently 'at' in terms of your own life journey, and the statement: "This is in appreciation of Mama Molten's orgonite site & I would love to receive a gift package!"

Upon receipt of the above, we'll send a confirmation email...and then a mindfully selected & prepared care package will be made up & sent to you with tracking #, generally within 1 week (s&h free within the U.S.A.)

You are welcome to mention if you would love a certain type of item (fish, pyramid, goddess, square, round, wish container, sea shell, etc.), & we may at times be able to accommodate such requests...but please know that precisely what orgonites are on hand at any given moment fluctuates. Therefore, what will be sent out will be what feels intuitively right from which items are available at the time.

(Just FYI:
Info received via Donations Link daily.
Contact form submissions checked very occasionally.
Personal email to Mama Molten here forwarded weekly.)

NOTE #3 What Will Come in the Mail: Some orgonite items pictured are straightforward photographs with a human hand nearby for scale, while others have been artistically swirled into images of molten lava & oceanic landscapes...with the understanding that actual beaches, logs, volcanoes, sea creatures, blankets, etc. will not be accompanying any orgonite items shipped (other than in spirit!) ;) 

NOTE #4 Safety: Most pieces are rough-&-tumble ready for spiritual adventuring; hardy enough for home use as well as for mystics-on-the-go. However, all pieces should still be treated with care. They are sturdy, not indestructible; especially items that include external protrusions. As texture varies and sometimes includes sharp points or edges, please Handle with Care. Keep away from excessive heat & open flame. 

As in nature and the vast cosmos: through symmetry & asymmetry, birth & decay, individual perfection & imperfection, a sense of harmonious balance is achieved. Certain organites reflect symmetry; others are asymmetrical by design, &/or have two or more pieces unconventionally connected, or some other "door-opening" aspect  meant to encourage inner, astral, thought-pattern shift. 

Mystical journeying with sacred objects of any size & shape are always a collaboration between the human, the item, and The Universe. Results generally commensurate to a person's current level of spiritual skill. A mindful, step-by-respectful-step approach is recommended. Organite recipients bear full responsibility for their use of items received.


Orgone is an energy that fills outer space, and it is more strongly concentrated in the vicinity of bodies.
It is not the same as light, but rather it is the medium for transmitting light waves. Orgone could be the energy of which solar matter is composed.
Magnetism and electricity are just functions of this energy (electricity = discharge at high concentration; magnetism = reaction in metals).

Is it conceivable, possible, that orgone light is emitted from the viewer's eye onto the object?That this is the essential act of seeing: seeing = irradiating the object, and the object itself emits light.

American Odyssey Letters & Journals 1940-1947 by Wilhelm Reich 

No Social Media.
Too busy creating!
Not only orgonite, but also books such as

Molten Mama has also been known to custom-design individual Mystery School adventures in-person & remotely, either as single session or discounted arc of 4. Information can be found here:

Looking forward to however our paths are meant to interact!