Monday, September 2, 2024

Our "Word Magic = Ethical Wealth" book has finally been born!

Diving into the means of acquiring & maintaining true prosperity during tumultuous world eras, as always, involves transforming/unentangling one's Self ... and thereby, society right along with us. 

In appreciation to each of you doing life here on Earth in these pivotal times, for ALL of the moments/days/weeks/months/years that our paths/dreams/learnings have been blessed to connect as richly as they have, finally able to here announce the birth of the long-awaited:



Transformational Alchemy from the Big Island of Hawaii

What is this?

Not just a book, it is meant to be a 4-D/5-D portal & beyond. 

An experience. A "decoder ring," if you will. ;)

An invitation to weave potentially life-changing, life-enhancing new sacred realities ... as is humanity's assignment during these pivotal times. 

Available in color hardcover, paperback, e-editions + b/w trade paperback print.

NOTE: At this moment the color paperback ( is $4-7ish less than the color hardcover or even the black/white paperback (UBL:

Happy healing!

Other stuff:

Would you like a care package with a surprise orgonite (or small-medium-large selection of orgonites) 
of your very own?

Obtain them informally from Molten Mama here: 

Want a Mama Molten backpack, shower curtain, or framed orgonite print as special reminders that we homo sapiens are -- right this very minute -- evolving into the species homo luminous, when life lived more in 5D will at last become a whole lot easier...? 

(Thank goodness!)

(This is not to be confused with the tech-based 'transhumanism' agenda that some folks are meanwhile pushing.)

Or would you like a special journal to begin/continue processing your own journey with 'ethical wealth' in?

Such products (sometimes featuring Molten Mama orgonites) can be acquired here: 

Excited to learn how Molten Mama's + other New Earth growthful, transitionary adventures began?

Check out previous titles: