A fellow orgonite maker in Africa just reached out with these words (excerpted): "...just spent a few days in Germany. The country feels like a sleepwalker to me. A very strange feeling.
While the continental plates are shifting around the world, Germany seems to be in a daze.
At least on the surface.
It's like walking in a forest with newly fallen snow.
Everything is somehow muffled. You can't hear a loud noise. All sounds are absorbed. No one wants to talk about the things that are of paramount importance for the future of Germany (and Europe).
1. The rapid dismantling of Germany's industrial base....Companies are closing at record speed. Top performers are leaving the country, while the forced mass immigration of culturally alien population groups is reaching a feverish pitch.
2. The absolute disaster that NATO is currently experiencing in Ukraine is somehow being suppressed.
All in all, one is reminded of the Roadrunner cartoon.
Wiley E Coyote only falls when he looks down.
Conversely: 'As long as I don't look, nothing will happen' - a paralysis of fear before big changes.
It'll be interesting to see how this paralysis will dissolve.
One way or another, it will dissolve.
I believe that the changes will ultimately lead to freedom....Above all, we will become aware of the depth of the infiltration.
There is still much to learn.
This process of revelation is painful but necessary.
With orgonite, we have been given a means to take the initiative.
Instead of staring in fear at the last convulsions of the beast, we go to work fresh and take the etheric air sovereignty from the dark forces. It's very inspiring and great fun!
So strike and throw yourself into the fray.
'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth'"
How does one go about rebalancing Earth's disturbed energies?
More about that can be found via:
available for free here: https://archive.org/details/DonCroftTheAdventuresOfDonAndCarolCroft,
which is purchasable here: https://www.croftzappers.com/books,
* this great site: http://www.whale.to/b/croft_h.html,
and within
found here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/molten-mamas-transformation-tools-molten-mama/1142903978, or here: https://books2read.com/u/3kYxn8
If you'd like to order orgonites from the fellow quoted in this post, check out his online store here: https://www.orgoniseafrica.com/en/buy-orgonite
And if you'd like to obtain orgonites informally from Molten Mama in Hawaii, how to do that is explained right here: https://mamamoltenmysticaltools.blogspot.com/p/how-to-get-orgonite-care-package.html